The Australian Pain Society invites you to join us in Canberra, Australia’s Capital, for the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting from 02 – 05 April 2023.
Pain Matters 6 is back for 2022!
The organising committee is preparing a great virtual webinar for this year!
Save the date: Friday July 29th, 2022!
Gate Meeting February 9th 2022
New Year
End of Year Zoom Dinner
Hey Everyone, the end of year dinner is here again! Please join us for our zoom dinner.
Pain Matters 5 - Great Success!
Gate convened a great pain seminar with Pain Matters 5. We had generous sponsorship from Nipro, Indivior, Seqirus and Mundipharma.
Alfred Pain Symposium - Opioids Friends or Foe
The Alfred Pain Symposium on Saturday October 27th 2018 was an excellent workshop on using Opioids and more importantly thinking about how to deescalate opioids on patients. Interesting insights on pain management, comprehensive assessment and the influence of mental health on pain. Excellent work putting together a great symposium Alfred Team!
2019 Meeting Dates Set
The GATE committee met Wednesday Sept 19th 2018 and set the 2019 meeting dates for next year. See the Events page for upcoming dates.
2019 Meeting dates set
Pain Matters 4: The Global year against pain after surgery
Pain Matters 4 was a roaring success! Great feedback from attendees and the speakers were well received. Planning for Pain Matters 5: Global year for excellence in pain education has commenced.
Council Elections for Committee Positions
The AGM held on 2nd August 2018 saw the election of some new council members. The new council is comprised of:
President/Chair: Annie Williams
Assistant Chair: Megan Yeomans
Secretary: Patsy Holland
Assistant Secretary: Nicola Robertson
Treasurer: Nann Durston (Continuing with thanks)
Assistant Treasurer: Nicole Gauthier
Membership Officer: Frances Pontonio (Continuing with thanks)
New Website
We've created a website for the GATE -Pain Interest Group in Victoria. Bookmark this page for all the news and information from GATE-Vic.