Reconsidering how we think about Brain Biology in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
He will cover research on brain circuits involved in emotion regulation, impulse control, and social perception, and include more recent discoveries on family members of people with lived experience of this diagnosis. These findings will be considered from a strength-based perspective, including how characteristics of people with lived experience of BPD might be conceptualised along the spectrum of neurodiversity.

February Meeting
Online Zoom Meeting
Education session is Grant McKechnie of Pain Revolution

National Pain Collective Event- Pain Revolution
Join us for a far reaching conversation around Pain, Medicine, The Real World, Challenges and Opportunities as Professor Lorimer Moseley AO hosts Dr Kate Drummund FFPMANZCA from Albury Wodonga Health, and Dr lan Harris FRACS author of 'Surgery, the ultimate placebo', with cameo appearances from Rural Health Professionals you might know.

PNA- Focus on Pain in the Elderly
Pain Nurses Australia are having an education day in May

April Gate Meeting
Join us for the April 2022 meeting. Education topic: APS Hobart recap. Check your email for your Zoom link and agenda.

Webcast for the launch of Australia’s first clinical care standard on opioid analgesic stewardship in acute pain, hosted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Join the webcast
Register now for the launch of Australia’s first clinical care standard on opioid analgesic stewardship in acute pain, hosted by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Opioid analgesics have established efficacy for managing acute pain. Yet careful assessment and management is needed to deliver the benefits of opioid analgesics while minimising harms, such as respiratory depression, misuse, dependence and overdose.
The new standard outlines appropriate use of opioid analgesics following surgery and in the emergency department, for patients without major trauma. It is relevant to emergency clinicians and surgical teams, as well as members of the interdisciplinary team, such as allied health, nursing, clinical pharmacy services and acute pain services.
Hear from the experts
Learn more about best practice use of opioid analgesics to manage acute pain including:
Safe and appropriate prescribing
Monitoring adverse effects and reviewing therapy
Medication management
Systems to support stewardship
Reducing risk of adverse effects and long-term harm
For more information, visit safetyandquality.gov.au/opioid-ccs

GATE Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is here!
The AGM is upon us. All committee positions will be declared vacant for a vote for committee membership. Welcome to anyone interested in a committee position to self nominate. Nominations to Secretary at gatevic@gmail.com
Zoom details will come by email. Financial members can participate so please renew your membership prior to the meeting.
End of Year Dinner
The End of Year Dinner is here again! Please join us… on zoom. We’ve got great ideas of how we shall be eating together so RSVPs are essential. Please RSVP by November 7th. RSVP to gatevic@gmail.com
Take Home Naloxone Webinar
GATE Victoria and Mundipharma presents a webinar on Take Home Naloxone.

GATE September Members Meeting
All members welcome to join us for the September meeting. Meeting commences at 1830. Zoom details in your email.

April Meeting - Telemeeting only (no in person meeting next month
April GATE meeting via Telehealth. Zoom meeting invite will go out via email.

Cancelled-Australian Pain Society 40th ASM
Update: APS2020 has been cancelled due to travel restrictions and physical distancing for COVID-19.
2020 is the global year for the prevention of pain.

Alfred Pain Symposium - Perioperative pain... when the usual medications aren't working
All health professionals, including allied health, Nursing staff and Doctors and anyone who is interested in pain medicine.

End of Year Dinner
End the year on a high note at our end of year dinner! Location TBD. Please RSVP for numbers.
RSVP to Gate Email

PIGNI 2019 - Sydney Pain Professional Development Day
This year’s theme “Delving into Pain” aligns with the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable. The speakers will explore the complexity of managing pain and the evolving issues in acute and chronic pain in vulnerable populations.

Pain Matters 5 - Global Year of Pain in the Vulnerable Person
There’s a great program planned for Pain Matters 5!
Book your tickets by clicking ‘Purchase’ below.

Australian Pain Society 39th ASM
The 39th Annual Scientific Meeting is on again in April. This is the IASP Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable.
GATE meeting February
New Location for the GATE meeting TBD.
Zoom will be available (check your emails for Zoom details)